Two colleagues discussing a project in front of a computer screen, working together in a modern office setting

Service developers.
Perfect fit.

We connect service developers, the IT industry and farm management systems with agricultural innovation and agricultural big data.

Discover more.
Farming solutions with innovative analytic and beyond.

You have an IT system related to agriculture and want to integrate satellite images, weather data, up to date field monitoring information or data analytics? Do you want to improve your competitive advantage? AgKnowledge is the perfect fit.

Close-up of a person analyzing circular charts on a tablet screen, reflecting green plants in the background

The Challenges

  • Want to enhance your agricultural IT system with dynamic data and out-of-the-box data analytics?
  • Need to integrate satellite images, weather data and field monitoring?
  • Need to handle hundred of thousands of fields?
  • Want to improve your farm management system?
Hand selecting a glowing smiley face on a digital rating scale, symbolizing positive customer feedback

Your Benefits

  • Satisfy the advanced needs of your customers.
  • Easy integration.
  • Speed-up development cycles.
  • Handle large data quantities easily.
  • Create a competitive advantage.
Close-up of a farmer's hands using a smartphone in a green field, optimizing farming decisions with digital technology

Get in touch.
We’re here to help.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further
questions or inquiries.