Scenic view of a lush tropical rainforest covered in morning mist with sun rays shining through dense green foliage

Geocledian on the Deforestation-Free Summit


Last week’s Deforestation Free Summit was a good opportunity to discuss important issues, measures and challenges in the fight against deforestation. Read more about some insights!



Our CEO, Stefan Scherer, took part in a lively and interesting panel discussion on the state of deforestation. He and his fellow panelists highlighted challenges, solutions and opportunities, as well as areas of innovation that have emerged over the past decade. Stefan’s focus was on the awareness new deforestation regulations are creating among industry and staff.

He also attended the summit as a speaker. In his presentation he spoke about our EUDR Check as a reliable tool for deforestation checking and how to overcome the negative effects EUDR will have on smallholders. Afterwards, he was able to make contacts and have some good discussions about how our API can enrich existing solutions.

The impact of existing healthy forest ecosystems not only on the climate is well known and widely accepted. Finding ways and solutions to protect them and guard against deforestation and degradation is an essential point to ensure a good life on earth in the future.

Attendants of the Deforestation Free Summit sitting on round tables and discussing.
Entrance of the Hotel in Uxbridge where the Deforestation Free Summit was held.
Close-up of a farmer's hands using a smartphone in a green field, optimizing farming decisions with digital technology

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